Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Android N, the next version of Google’s mobile operating system is now available for developers. So far, its best features aremulti-window support and improved notifications.

Multi-window refers to opening two apps side-by-side for better multi-tasking. Meanwhile, Notifications are now more useful with direct reply for almost any app.

Here’s how Multi-Window on Android N looks like:

Android-N-Multi-WindowAndroid N Multi-Window
The user experience for multi-window depends on the Android device. Smartphones and tablets are limited to the side-by-side andone on top of the other layouts. The division of the screen can be adjusted with a simple drag and drop though.
Android TVs, on the other hand, supports picture in picture mode. This means that the video being watched will continue playing even while the user opens another app.
Android N Direct Reply in Notifications
Aside from the ability to reply directly to a Notification, Android N also adds the support to group Notifications based on what app these notifications came from. Hence, those pesky Facebook notifications will be more manageable.
Android N will have incremental updates each month leading to theFinal Release on October or September 2016. We will then know its final name. Any bets on Nutella?
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